Kendra Braga
March 29, 2010
Dr. Howard Tinberg
English 11
“Parking Proposal: First Draft”
Finding a descent parking spot in a lot can be an easy task, but more often than not, a good parking spot is hard to find; especially on a college campus. At Bristol Community College, parking can become a challenge. There are parking spots for “the teacher of the month” that are often empty while there are people scrounging around for a parking spot; there are also often vacant spaces where the students with parking permits should park. There are parking spaces along Elsbree Street which are deceiving; there are many signs which clarify that “there should be no parking in between signs,” however there are no specifications as to which signs. There are many parking lots at BCC, but there are also many students.
After hearing complaints from many students, the conclusion made is that the way to solve a problem like this is simply building another parking lot. Many students have complained about not being able to find a parking lot; not even in the most distant lots! This may sound like a fix easier said than done, but it will be one that will better the school.
As the college grows, the more students there are trafficking in and out of BCC. Lots 3 and 4 can be expanded towards the college, giving students more room to park. Students who actually have a parking permit will have more reserved spots to park their car, thus giving the students an incentive to buying a parking permit as well.
The cost of a project like this one would vary between $40,000- $60,000 for a lot with 100-150 parking spaces; depending on the company that builds it. This would be a good investment because students will be spending less time looking for a parking space, and they will have more time to get to their class without being late.